There exists constant pressure in our society to adapt to a way of thinking.  Webster’s dictionary defines ‘adapt’ as “to modify (oneself) to conform to a circumstance or environment” or alternatively “to become adjusted to a circumstance or environment.”  When studying and researching in the sciences, the student will eventually (if not immediately) encounter the evolution perspective.  Whether it is biology, geology or astronomy, the processes of evolution will be applied to living and non-living objects.  When something evolves, it is believed to have changed from a less complex form to a higher order of complexity.  Ignoring this perspective will not make it disappear.  But remember… it is only a perspective.Webster’s dictionary describes evolution as a doctrine.  Yes, a doctrine! 

I would venture to say that most people have enough interest in robots that they would give a few moments of their time to allow themselves the amusement of watching robots in action. Beyond this, I have observed that fewer people actually have enough interest in robots to wrestle with how they work and to learn what their abilities and their limitations are. I think that there also exists a middle-ground camp of those who imagine that they might have an interest in robots but they are just not sure of ‘where to start’.  

Summer is a wonderful time for getting out to play and to explore the wonderful handiwork of God’s creation. Even though many of you suspend your formal homeschool studies during this time, I encourage you to use the summer for building greater momentum in your science program.  

When people seek more information about the science and technology event, one of the first questions that I hear – with a tone of apprehension in their voice – is: “Is this a science fair?” The answer I give is “no” – to which I hear a sigh of relief.  


Here is a summary of information that should be helpful to those who want to participate in the WISDOM Homeschooling Science and Technology events:

The event is NOT a competition. There will be no ‘judges’ and there are no prizes. Rather, this is an opportunity for a student or family to summarize their course of study in an area of science and/or technology. No one should feel as though someone else has a ‘better’ topic. Rather, this is an opportunity to share YOUR learning with others.  Thereby, everyone can benefit by being exposed to a greater variety of topics that might not be achievable on one’s own.

So often, we lose ourselves in parenthood. Our own desires are often set aside as the demands of parenthood are so constant. I hope that you can just take a deep breath as you make it through another day - and so did your children.

“Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” 

— Robert Louis Stevenson

Does your family love games? Or would you like to incorporate more family games but are not sure where to start? Games have been proven to rapidly develop cognitive functions in all ages.

Games the Build the Brain is a favourite resource of home schooling families everywhere! Find a fabulous game in this booklet, and learn which cognitive skills it builds and supports. Then, play it with your family to reap the cognitive and relationship benefits!

Transcript of talk by tutor Ben van den Bosch given at WISDOM’s Great Books event, January 30th, 2016.

Tiger WoodsA serious golfer, when his game starts going out of control, immediately reflects on the basics of the game and then focuses on himself and disciplines his mind, body and will in order to correct any bad habits that may be causing the downfall of his game. He may even ask help from a friend and make himself accountable to this person help him carry out a set plan for improving.

We live in hectic times, and Christians are not immune. When we realize our life is starting to get out of control, we should do no less than a serious golfer. We also should immediately go back to the basics of Christian living. Then we must take charge of our thinking, and exercise our will to change or break any bad habits, form good habits and limit our wants.

When a nun complained to Mother Teresa about not having enough time to care for all her patients, Mother Teresa responded by saying that means you must spend more time praying....

Top 10 Tips for Home Schooling Families On Simplifying Their Lives


1. Plan to do the most shopping and errands you can do on each shopping trip.  Avoid shopping more than once a week, if possible.  This will add time to your days.

2. Plan meals for 10 days to 2 weeks at a time, depending on your shopping schedule.  Know at breakfast (or even the night before!) what you are having for supper, so you can do the preparations needed during the day and not be wondering at 4 o’clock, “What’s for supper?”  This will also aid in nutrition and save you money!

3. Each family member should have a treasure box to keep their treasures inside.  Teach your children to de-clutter, too!  It will be a blessing to them throughout their lives.  Remember, “People are more important than things!”

Part of The Gilbertine Institute