Home schooling with WISDOM

Supporting traditional home schooling, where parents have control over what is taught to their children, how it is taught, and when it is taught.

As their teacher, you will assess your child's progress on an ongoing basis, using the methods you detail in your Education Program Plan. From the Alberta Home Education Regulation: "4(1)  A parent providing a home education program to a student, (a) must conduct an evaluation of the progress of the student at regular intervals and maintain a record of the methods and dates of those evaluations, (b) must maintain dated samples of student work and a general record of the student’s activities."  In addition to dated samples of student work, this may include photos of student projects, parent journal notes.

The Facilitator Evaluation is completed twice annually during your facilitator visit. Your facilitator will complete a portfolio review and interview, and the resulting evaluation forms part of your official student record. This basis of the evaluation is your Education Program Plan (EPP), meaning that student progress is compared to their own ability and not to other students.

The evaluation is designed to capture the initial level of the student in the Fall, and then measure their progress up to the point of the Spring visit.

Part A (Evaluation by Parents) is not strictly required.  Part A is, in most cases, extremely helpful to the student, parent, and facilitator, and therefore to be completed by default. It is based on the desirable personal characteristics in the Schedule of Learner Outcomes. It is recommended, as part of educating the whole child, but a parent may wish to opt out of completing any part, or the entirety of Part A. 

Part B, Academic Achievement, is the facilitator evaluation of student progress, based on the parents' EPP. Additional commentary is added as desired. From the Alberta Home Education Regulation "1(c): “evaluation” means a judgment as to the quality, worth or value of a response, product or performance of a student in a particular year, based on the activities selected by a parent to be focused on in a home education program for that year pursuant to section 3(3)." This means that learning may be demonstrated by multiple means, from oral, to portfolio and samples of work, to photos and discussion.


Evaluation 1   Evaluation 2

Part of The Gilbertine Institute