WorkshopsiCAL Export
WISDOM Workshops are organized throughout the province where there is sufficient interest. If you gather 5 families who are committed to attend a particular workshop, we can put it on in your location. Elements of many of our workshops are included in our summer camps, socials and BBQs.
Payment options available:
- You may use a purchase order if you have funding available. POs may only be used up to the end of May, so keep that in mind and register early for summer events.
- We accept Visa and MasterCard. You can pay on our website or over the phone, and we will issue a receipt which you could then use to claim funding later on.
- We accept cheques made out to WISDOM Home Schooling or The Gilbertine Institute.
- We accept e-Transfers sent to
Remember, an event can't run without sufficient numbers to offset costs. Because we don't charge much more than necessary to cover costs, we require a minimum number of participants.
Cancellation: If we have to cancel an event due to low registration, we will refund your money. However, if you cancel within two weeks of a scheduled event, your money can not be refunded. Your last-minute cancellation may otherwise close down an entire event, if the funds are no longer there for us to run it.
Chess Workshops 8 Events
Lessons are taught on zoom through the interactive Lichess website. The hour-long class is divided into 20 minutes of concept, 20 minutes of game and 20 minutes of personalized exercises and free homework.
Things parents are saying:
“I appreciated the positive encouragement and teaching. This is something Brett would set his clock for... it was fun to see him so enthused!”
“Thank you for your hard work and making this class run so fluid and understandable for all levels.”
“My boys have completely changed from these classes. They seem to see everything in a more logical and organized way. It's like chess has unlocked some sort of "order" in their thinking. They look forward, plan ahead and strategize through their days like they didn't used to. I could go on and on!”
“This is the first online class ever, that Felix enjoys. You probably don’t realise what a big compliment this is.”
Portfolio Workshops 4 Events
Climbing 2 Events
Science Lab Seminars 0 Events
Mediated Learning Workshops 6 Events
WISDOM's Mediated Learning workshops will help you apply mediated learning in your home. If you are a parent who learns by doing, you will find our workshop format very helpful.
Foraging Walks 9 Events
Time in nature with wild food expert Kevin Kossowan. Learn about 10-20 species of wild edible plants and fungus, with a focus on their use in the home kitchen.
Things parents are saying:
“I can not fully express how incredible this experience was! Our guide was passionate and authentic with his imparting of his gift. It turned out that we were the only ones and as such got a private tour. What a gift of a course this was! I highly recommend it to anyone with the slightest interest in the outdoors. Even if you do not end up foraging anything for actual consumption, the knowledge and appreciation of God’s gift in nature will increase thus enhancing any natural park walk you take in the future.”
Survival 1 Event
Ballroom Dance Workshops 0 Events
Computers & Programming 0 Events
When: March 10 from 10 - 12pm
Where: Vertically Inclined 8523 Argyll Road Edmonton, Alberta
Ages 6-9: $24
Ages 10 and up $22
Aimed towards the first-timer, this 2 hour session allows participants to learn about the sport of climbing through hands-on (and feet-on) skills.
Ages 6 and up. Parental presence is
...When:November 14, 2024
Where:Drayton Valley, Blue Rapids Public Recreation Area
Exact meeting location:
Please follow these exact coordinates to avoid any confusion.
Join Kaykima for an
...When: March 11, 18, 25 — 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
Learn the steps to empower your innate teaching skills.
This series of three 2-hour sessions will include instruction, parent participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
Foundations is a prerequisite to all other Mediated Learning Courses
...When: March 17 from 1 – 3pm
Where: Calgary Climbing Centre - Rocky Mountain Location - 10721 West Valley Rd. SW, Calgary, Alberta
Two exciting options, one for ages 6-9 and the other for ages 10 and up!
When: April 1, 8, 15 — 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Online
Learn the steps to empower your innate teaching skills.
This series of three 2-hour sessions will include instruction, parent participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
Foundations is a prerequisite to all other Mediated Learning Courses
...Jumpstart Your Path to Success!
When: April 3, 10 — 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
For high school students (14+) and parents.
Unlock growth together in this interactive, 3-part workshop series designed to inspire self-direction, boost motivation, and equip students for success both in high school and beyond. This workshop includes a personal WISDOM Jumpstart Journal for each student participant, used as a
...Chart your course with us as we explore all of the angles of home schooling through high school with confidence. Enjoy talks, a panel/round-table discussion, post-secondary institutions, career inspiration booths, home schooling experts, a Friday breakout session for teens, and more. This conference is for parents and students aged 12+.
Let’s Flip the Question: Why Would You Ever Stop Homeschooling?
A Special Evening with Dr. Brian Ray
When: Friday, April 4, 7-9:30 pm
Where: Spruce GroveAlliance Church
Why homeschool? A better
...When: April 7 from 7-9pm
Where: Online via Zoom
- What is a portfolio?
- How do you develop a portfolio?
- How do you tailor a portfolio to assist in making the most of your education and gaining access to post secondary education?
This workshop is for WISDOM families only.
When: April 10 from 7-9pm
Where: Online via Zoom
- What is a portfolio?
- How do you develop a portfolio?
- How do you tailor a portfolio to assist in making the most of your education and gaining access to post secondary education?
Presented online via Zoom.
This workshop is for WISDOM families only.
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, April 15 – May 22 from 12 - 1pm
(Diploma exam: June 11)
This workshop is intended to assist students who are preparing for the written portion of the English 30 Diploma exam. Students will learn to decode essay prompts and utilize effective essay formatting. Applicants need to have advanced writing experience.
This workshop covers the 2 essay types of the written portion of the exam: the
...When: May 5 from 7-9pm
Where: Online via Zoom
- What is a portfolio?
- How do you develop a portfolio?
- How do you tailor a portfolio to assist in making the most of your education and gaining access to post secondary education?
Presented online via Zoom.
This workshop is for WISDOM families only.