Dates and DeadlinesiCAL Export

Event Date Friday, 26 Jul, 2024
Event End Date Monday, 5 Aug, 2024

Your Education Program Plan (EPP) is your most important document. It defines your home education program, assures your authority, and prevents imposition of provincial testing.  Your plan is flexible, and you may change it at any time in the year.  Your current (or revised) plan must be approved by your facilitator and kept on file in the WISDOM office.

Please have your Education Program Plan approved by your facilitator before September 30th.  In order to give them time to review, perhaps suggest additions, and approve your plan, please email it to them by August 31st.  If you need assistance to meet the Aug 31st deadline, please do let us know.

Click here for samples and templates.

Event Date Saturday, 31 Aug, 2024
Event Date Monday, 2 Sep, 2024

Alberta Education requires we submit all student notification on the last business day of September for funding eligibility, which in 2024 is 4pm on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27. If possible, please enroll 5 or more business days prior to the deadline for our data team to review your notification.

We do accept post-funded families throughout the year on a case-by-case basis.

Information on Notification may be found here.

Event Date Friday, 27 Sep, 2024
Event Date Monday, 14 Oct, 2024
Event Date Monday, 11 Nov, 2024
Event Date Friday, 20 Dec, 2024
Event End Date Wednesday, 8 Jan, 2025
Part of The Gilbertine Institute