Welcome to the WISDOM Alumni Association!

Home educated students have been graduating from the WISDOM community since 1995, and it's time to start to get all of us together.

Join our mailing list for upcoming information on the official association, potential volunteer positions, a proposed alumni newsletter, and most excitingly, future alumni events.

Purpose of the WISDOM Alumni Association

  • Honour – WISDOM exists because you home schooled
  • Share the benefits of home schooling
    • attract new home schoolers
    • encourage parents in the trenches by seeing the potential for their children
    • encourage high school students to stay the course at home
    • convince government, industry, media, via examples of life
  • Peer support for each other
    • reflect on your home schooling journey
    • re-acquaint with home schoolers you knew
    • share common experiences from your era
    • support like-minded people during difficulties
Part of The Gilbertine Institute