Actively enrolled WISDOM families may download ID cards for your family, with the option of making them photo ID.

Here are the step-by-step instructions to creating your student and educator ID cards:

1. Login to your Parent Portal account.

If you DON'T want photos:

2. Click the yellow Download ID Cards button at the top left of your screen. That's it!

If you DO want photos:

3. If you do want photos on them, simply upload a photo of each student by clicking the Student Photo Upload button.

4. Click the green + button, select your photo file and then click Start Upload.

5. Repeat step 4 for each student.

6. To upload a parent photo, select the Parent Photo Upload at the top left, then scroll down to the bottom green + button, select your photo file and then click Start Upload

7. After all your photos are uploaded, click the yellow Download ID Cards button at the top left of your screen.   

Part of The Gilbertine Institute