
Your Education Program Plan (EPP) is your most important document. It defines your home education program, assures your authority, and prevents imposition of provincial testing.  Your plan is flexible, and you may change it at any time in the year.  Your current (or revised) plan must be approved by your facilitator and kept on file in the WISDOM office.

In order to give your facilitator time to review your plan, suggest additions, and approve your plan, please provide it to them no later than the end of August.*  If you need assistance to meet the Aug 31st deadline, please let us know. A suitable Education Program Plan (EPP) can be discussed and developed with your facilitator. *NOTE: This deadline is for returning WISDOM families only. Brand new families have some grace time to work on a plan draft and go over it with a facilitator.

Please follow the Checklist to be sure that your plan meets the requirements of Alberta Education. Click here for a visual guide. (Refer to the Notification Form, Part D.)

Your plan should be based on Alberta Education's Schedule of Learning Outcomes.  These outcomes are to be achieved by the end of grade 12. Remember S.A.M. when you plan: Keep your plan Simple, Achievable, and Measurable.

VisualGuideEPP1 VisualGuideEPP2

Program Plan Template:

You may customize the following template Word document to suit your child. If you prefer, you may create a plan of your own design, or one you've found elsewhere online, ensuring that you include all elements from the checklist.

2024-2025 Education Program Plan TemplateEPPTemplateDownload as:
Microsoft Word | Apple Pages | Google Docs*

* Once you've opened the Google document, go to File > Make a Copy in the menu to create your own editable copy in Google Drive. 

Suggestions of ways to state various Instructional Methods, click here.

Sample Education Program Plans:

Plan Approval and Revision:
Note: if you don’t have anything to add or delete in your child’s EPP, these instructions will not apply to you! However, it is normal for families to change their plan throughout the year as new opportunities and/or curriculum ideas come up.

  1. A facilitator needs to review and approve your plan before your enrolment will be complete. Our team prefers that plans are submitted no later than May 30. The facilitator confirms that your plan meets the requirements set forth in the Home Education Regulation. After your plan is accepted, applicable funding will be available (when the new school year begins). Without an approved plan, enrollment is not complete.
  2. Your plan is a living document, and may be modified at any time. Throughout the year, we need your current plan in order to support any reimbursement or purchase order, particularly in cases where you may with to claim resources other than books and curriculum. Please submit any updates before submitting an expense claim. Update your plan when there is an addition or deletion of a subject or the addition of a non-book resource within an existing subject. Examples: update if you went on a field trip not listed in your existing plan and want to submit receipts for the student admission. Update if your child starts learning French using Rosetta Stone, which you just purchased and wish to claim for reimbursement. However, you don't need to update if you're replacing one resource with another of the same kind. There's no need to update if you simply change from Saxon math to Math U See, for example – it’s all math.

Part of The Gilbertine Institute