
Registration for the spring term is now closed.

The Spring 2025 Schedule is available for viewing and printing.


  • Practice Session Week: January 28 - 31
  • Official Course Start Week: February 4 - 7
  • Final Course Week: May 13 - 16

    Note: No class for Easter Break - Holy Thursday through the following Wednesday (April 17 - 23). Classes will resume Thursday, April 24.

    Before registering: please take a moment to read through the Quick Facts & Information of the Program prior to registering your child for a course. It will help you to understand our goals and expectations.

    Eligibility requirements can also be found under Program Information.

    • Class days correspond to the schedule for both practice sessions and for normal classes.  The term is 14 weeks in duration plus the practice session week. Course fees will be found associated with each course. Age levels are assigned to courses to describe the required maturity standard for the course; please feel free to contact Nicole Noster ( to inquire if the age requirement can be waived for a course you believe would be a good fit for your child.

    • Please note that some courses have prerequisites and these should be considered when planning your course schedule. Some courses which fill up will have another section offered if sufficient interest is shown from a growing waiting list. Please do register for the waiting list of a full course if you are interested in another section being made available.
    • Courses marked A and B are identical in content; these letters name different sections occurring at different times. Courses marked 1 and 2 signify courses with similar themes, but different content. They do not necessarily require that one be taken before the other.
    • Courses that can be taken for extra evaluation are identified under their course headings. You can find more information here about extra evaluation courses and our University Partnership with Augustana Campus.

    For more information on the technical requirements, cancellation policy, course completion requirements, and other details, please read our Program Information.

    For further inquiry, please contact the Program Manager, Nicole Noster, at

    *All successful registrations will receive a confirmation email within 24 hours. If you do not see this email come through, please email Nicole immediately.*

Junior (8-10 yrs/Parent Tutorial)

Parents and children take these courses together.

Fables and Tales 1

Parent/Child Tutorial (8-10 yrs), $185, 14 week course - No Prerequisite

Wednesdays, 10:30 – 11:30 AM  -  Emily Glicksman - FULL



Upper Junior (10-12 yrs/Parent Tutorial)

Parents and children take these courses together.


Chronicles of Narnia

Parent/Child Tutorial (10-12yrs), $185, 14 week course - No Prerequisite

Section A: Thursdays, 10:30 - 12 PM  -  Miriam Novotny

Section B: Fridays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Emily Glicksman


Horse and Dog Classics

Parent/Child Tutorial (10-12 yrs), $185, 14 week course - No Prerequisite

Wednesdays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM  -  Miriam Novotny


Junior Modern Classics

Parent/Child Tutorial (10-12yrs), $185, 14 week course - No Prerequisite

Thursdays, 9 - 10 AM  -  Miriam Novotny


Lucy M. Montgomery

Parent/Child Tutorial (10-12yrs), $185, 14 week course – No Prerequisite

Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM  -  Miriam Novotny


The Gods of Mount Olympus

Parent/Child Tutorial (10-12yrs), $185, 14 week course - No Prerequisite

Fridays, 9:15 - 10:15 AM  -  Maria Pfeiffer

Intermediate  (12 yrs & up)  *refer to individual class prerequisites*

Classic Adventure 2

12 yrs and up, $195  – No Prerequisite

Tuesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM  -  Michael Foster


Classic Science Fiction

13 yrs and up, $195, 14 week course – No Prerequisite

Fridays, 10:45 - 12:15 PM  -  Scott Walsh


Lord of the Rings

12 yrs and up, $195 – No Prerequisite

Section A: Tuesdays, 10:45 - 12:15 PM - Brian Thomson

Section B: Wednesdays, 9 - 10:30 AM - Scott Walsh


Modern Classics

13 yrs and up, $195 – No Prerequisite

Thursdays, 10:30 - 12 PM -  Brian Thomson

Senior (14 yrs & up) *refer to individual class prerequisites*

Before Tolkien

14 yrs and up, $195Prerequisite: Must have read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Fridays, 9 - 10:30 AM -  Charles Robertson - FULL


Victorian Gothic

14 yrs and up, $195Prerequisite: One Intermediate Course

Wednesdays, 10:45 - 12:15 PM -  Scott Walsh

Intermediate (13 yrs & up) *Refer to individual class prerequisites*


Foundational Great Books

13 yrs and up, $195, 14 week course – No Prerequisite

Section A: Thursdays, 10:30 - 12 PM  -  Elise Van Hierden - FULL

Section B: Fridays, 10:45 - 12:15 PM  -  Charles Robertson - FULL



Senior (14 yrs & up)  *Refer to individual class prerequisites*

Canadian Government

15 yrs and up, $195 – Prerequisite: Foundational Great Books
(Extra Evaluation Version Available - see course details)

Section A: Fridays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Scott Walsh - FULL

Section B: Tuesdays, 10:30 - 12 PM - Scott Walsh


G.K. Chesterton

14 yrs and up, $195 – Prerequisite: One Intermediate Course

Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM -  Anna Beresford

Intro to Political Philosophy

15 yrs and up, $195 – Prerequisite: Foundational Great Books
(Extra Evaluation Version Available - see course details)

Thursdays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Scott Walsh

Intermediate (13 yrs & up)

History of WWII

13 yrs and up, $195 – No Prerequisite

Fridays, 10:30 - 12 PM  -  Maria Pfeiffer - FULL


History of the Old Testament Era

13 yrs and up, $195 – No Prerequisite

Thursdays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Elise Van Hierden - FULL


Story of Canada

14 yrs and up, $195 – No Prerequisite

Thursdays, 1 - 2:30 PM -  Emily Jordan - FULL


Story of the Middle Ages

14 yrs and up, $195 – No Prerequisite

Tuesdays, 9 - 10:30 AM -  Charles Robertson 

 [Arranged loosely in order of difficulty]

Foundational Grammar

12 yrs and up, $335, 14 week course – No Prerequisite

Section A: Tuesdays, 10:30 - 12 PM  -  Emily Glicksman - FULL

Section B: Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM  -  Charles Robertson

Section C: Thursdays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Maria Pfeiffer


Advanced Grammar & Composition

12 yrs and up, $335, 14 week course – Prerequisite: Advanced Grammar Placement Assessment

Tuesdays, 10:30 - 12 PM  -  Michael Foster - FULL


Intro to High School Writing

13 yrs and up, $335, 14 week course – Prerequisite: sufficient experience in English grammar to understand proper sentence structure and grammatical concepts (parts of speech, mechanics, and usage). Samples may be requested.

Section A: Tuesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM  -  Scott Walsh - FULL

Section B: Wednesdays, 10:30 - 12 PM  -  Charles Robertson - FULL

Section C: Thursdays, 10:45 - 12:15 PM  - Scott Walsh - FULL


Creative Writing

13 yrs and up, $335, 14 week course – Prerequisite: Intro to High School Writing or Mastering the Essay

Wednesdays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Anna Beresford


Writing Essentials in Style & Composition

14 yrs and up, $335, 14 week course  – Prerequisite: Intro to High School Writing or Mastering the Essay

Tuesdays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Anna Beresford


Mastering the Essay

14 yrs and up, $335, 14 week course– Prerequisite: Intro to High School Writing
(Extra Evaluation Version Available - see course details)

Section A: Tuesdays, 9 - 10:30 AM  -  Brian Thomson - FULL

Section B: Thursdays, 1 - 2:30 PM  -  Brian Thomson - FULL


Mastering Literary Analysis

14 yrs and up , $335, 14 week course – Prerequisite: Intro to High School Writing or Mastering the Essay

Tuesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM  -  Serena Warnky

Intermediate   (12 yrs & up)

Art History: Journey through a Thousand Years

12 yrs and up, $195, 14 week course – No Prerequisite 

Tuesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM -  Anna Beresford


Classical Music History: Medieval to Late Romantic

12 yrs and up, $195, 14 week course – No Prerequisite 

Wednesdays, 10:45 - 12:15 PM -   Michael Foster


Classic Theatre

14 yrs and up, $195, 14 week course - Prerequisite: One Intermediate Course

Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM - Maria Pfeiffer

*All Latin Courses continue through the Spring Session*

Intermediate (13 yrs & up)


The Basics of Logic

13 yrs and up, $185 – No Prerequisite

Section A: Wednesdays, 9 - 10:30 AM - Michael Foster - FULL

Section B: Thursdays, 1 - 2:30 PM - Maria Gilicinski - FULL


Upcoming Courses

There are no upcoming events in this category.
Part of The Gilbertine Institute