Pursuing Alberta High School Credits Web Banner

WISDOM students enrolled in a senior high school program may choose to pursue Alberta Education courses for credits and marks in accordance with Section 6 of the Alberta Home Education Regulation. WISDOM respects parents as the primary educators of their children; when credits is the path families choose, WISDOM provides support and guidance to help students be as successful as possible in fulfilling Alberta Education’s requirements. WISDOM students gain credits primarily through a Course Challenge process, but also have the option to gain some credits through non-primary registration for Distance Education courses with another school.

There are pros and cons to pursuing Alberta courses for credits. Although it is not necessary for homeschooled students to follow the Alberta Programs of Study outcomes in order to graduate, WISDOM recognizes that some families choose to do so for reasons specific to their needs and goals.

Information about gaining credits with WISDOM, as well as the course challenge process can be found in the digital High School Credit Handbook below.

Course Challenge at a Glance

Course challenge is the means by which Alberta students who choose to not take school-delivered courses can obtain credits and marks. In brief, home educated students have the option to work through a program of study that matches the outcomes of Alberta courses, and upon formal evaluation of learning, an Alberta certificated teacher may award marks and credits.

  1. Parent & Student lets WISDOM know what courses the student will challenge (submit a parent agreement form and speak to the facilitator).
  2. Parent & Student develop a course of studies to meet Alberta Programs of Study outcomes for their courses.
  3. Parent & Student create course portfolios.
  4. Portfolios are submitted for evaluation (worth 70% in core courses or 100% in non core courses).
  5. Student takes final exams (worth 30% overall mark in core courses).
  6. Marks and Credits are awarded by WISDOM

So how do I put these Course Challenges in my EPP?


Links for high school credit support and information

  • Time for a Real Education 
    Important article that provides answers to questions such as:
    • “How will my child get into university or college?”
    • “How will my child gain the credentials to earn a comfortable salary?”
    • “How can I possibly teach high school?”

Want to speak with an experienced WISDOM staff member? 

Christian Bekolay: High School Advisor

Peter Weidman: Credits Advisor

WISDOM High School Subject Specialists


High School Credit Handbook

Part of The Gilbertine Institute