Oh how thankful I am that He has blessed us with the opportunity and privilege to have our family learn and grow together through home education! We have 6 children, ages 27 down to 8. Five boys, and one girl in the middle. We have been homeschooling with WISDOM since the beginning of our journey, 19 years ago. WISDOM's dedication to and philosophy of traditional homeschooling have been a vital source of inspiration, support and information. We actually started out with our oldest two in a Christian school and after asking God “how can we build relationship with our kids now and for the future?” His answer came back, “time.” And I thought, “Where do I get that time? There isn’t much time for getting to their hearts!” And God gently whispered "home school" and we haven't looked back. We've stumbled, cried, laughed and sighed, but not looked back. I was one of those moms who said, "I could never home school." I have learned since that I was right, I can't...on my own, but God has been more than sufficient to lead and empower and give His amazing grace on our journey, and let me trip when I stubbornly go my own way.

Honestly, the longer I go the more I realize how much I need God for the everyday things (you know, like love for foolish children, joy when I see all my mistakes, peace when I can’t see the future and things don’t feel so great, patience for having to speak to a heart issue for the umpteenth time - mine or my kids, kindness when I feel irritable, goodness when I want to be selfish, faithfulness when I have “lost” yet another school day, gentleness when I want to accomplish by my might and my power, and self-control because I expect it of my kids)! We are an ordinary family serving an extraordinary God! My greatest desire is to simply lay before Jesus our ordinary, small “loaves and fish” and allow our extraordinary God to do with them as He wishes! I don’t claim to have it all together and figured out. Homeschooling is challenging and hard, delightful and a gift!  It has been one of my biggest teachers, and I don’t just mean academically, although there too! There is a special place in my heart for homeschool moms who feel they are in the trenches! I even feel like I’m still there sometimes myself! I don’t have any spectacular formulas or curriculum or 5 step programs but sometimes a cup of tea, the safety of the listening ear of a fellow sojourner and a quiet space looking up to our amazing God together can do wonders. If you are feeling like you’re in the trenches, or even if you’re not, and want to connect regarding homeschooling, please feel free to get in touch!

(780) 841-0065

Part of The Gilbertine Institute