CLT 3-8 (Grade 3-8 Assessment)

CLT 3-8 (Grade 3-8 Assessment)

Testing dates for CLT3-6 can be any day from Apr. 22, 2024 to May. 17, 2024. After registering, please give a minimum of 28 days notice before the date you'd like the testing to be done.

The Classical Learning Test 3-8 (CLT 3-8) is for students in grades 3 to 8. These tests focus on numeracy and literacy, and can be a useful diagnostic and summative assessment tool. Tests taken year to year can be useful for tracking student growth. CLT 3-8 can be conveniently accessed from home.

  • For students in grades 3-8
  • Diagnostic and summative exams to track growth and provide academic assessment
  • Norm-Referenced 
  • Online format - Parent Proctored
  • Length: Approximately 2-3 hours

Note on student email address:
Each student taking a CLT needs a unique email address. If your child doesn’t have an email address, there is a workaround if you are using Gmail. In Google accounts, it is possible to add a plus sign and additional characters after the regular address, and the email is received by the address before the plus sign, but it allows a unique sign in. All communication would be received by the main email address, but this allows a unique sign in. For example, if a family has the email, their usernames could look like this:

Alternatively WISDOM can also set up a WISDOM student email address. Contact us for more information.

Event Properties

Event Date Friday, 17 May, 2024
Cut off date Friday, 19 Apr, 2024
Price FREE for 2023-2024 WISDOM students
Location Online

Registration has closed.

Part of The Gilbertine Institute