Interested in hosting? Fill this out!

Please give us a week or so to get the details up on the website.

Host Information (sent to participants upon registration)

Host name
Event type
Address where event will take place
Email address of host *
Phone number of host

Event Information (publicly visible on our site)

Where is this event happening?
In the host's home
Outside on the host's property
Broad term for location (neighbourhood, general region, etc)
Date(s) and time(s) of event(s)
Age range of attendees
How many you can accommodate
Whether you'd like parents to stay, or whether that is optional (or whether they should stay for a particular age range, but may drop off a particular age range)
What participants should bring - a snack, $5 to pitch in for pizza, etc
Are there pets in the home? If yes, what type?


Event Search

Part of The Gilbertine Institute