Each home education student who successfully completes high school at home will have achieved the Alberta Home Education Regulation’s Schedule of Learning Outcomes at a high school level. This student is then qualified to receive a WISDOM Diploma or a WISDOM Certificate of High School Completion.

The completion of high school can include a variety of elements such as:

  • A well-rounded education, tailored to the individual student, assisting them in finding and preparing for their calling and vocation(s)
  • A classical approach
  • Faith and character formation
  • Mentorship and entrepreneurship

Benefits of a WISDOM Diploma or Certificate of High School Completion:

  • Indicates completion of High School and readiness to enter the adult world
  • Is an official document containing the WISDOM seal
  • Accepted by some post-secondary institutions
  • Accepted by many employers


  • Insufficient evidence for some institutions
  • Insufficient for some employers


Achieving the WISDOM Diploma

Sample diplomaThe WISDOM Diploma is an official document, verified by the facilitator and the associate principal of home education, complete with the WISDOM seal.

Please download the request form below. This form is to be completed by the student along with the parent(s). It is recommended to complete this form throughout the final year of high school rather than doing it all at once. Knowing the expectations of high school achievement in advance will help the student prepare to adequately fulfil all of the learning outcomes throughout high school.

Download Diploma Request Form

Step by step process for achieving the WISDOM Diploma:

  1. Student and parent(s) develops portfolio throughout high school and has a completed portfolio available for the facilitator to review at the end of high school. 
  2. Download the WISDOM Diploma Request form. In the form, the student enters a brief rationale of how each learning outcome has been met. 
  3. When complete, the form is signed by the student and parent(s).
  4. Submit the completed request form to your facilitator for review.
  5. The facilitator reviews the form and may request a final portfolio review.
  6. Upon facilitator verification that learning outcomes were achieved, a WISDOM High School Diploma will be awarded and mailed to the student/parent(s).


Achieving the WISDOM Certificate of High School Completion

Sample certificateThe WISDOM Certificate of High School Completion is an official document, verified by the parent(s), complete with the WISDOM seal.

Please download the request form below. This form is to be completed by the parent(s). Knowing the expectations of high school achievement in advance will help the student prepare to adequately fulfil all of the learning outcomes throughout high school.

Download Certificate Request Form

Step by step process for achieving the WISDOM Certificate of High School Completion:

  1. Student and parent(s) develops portfolio throughout high school
  2. Download the WISDOM Certificate of High School Completion Request Form.
  3. The parent(s) verify that each outcome has been met by checking them off on the form and signing it.
  4. Submit your completed form to highschool@wisdomhomeschooling.com.
  5. Upon receiving the request form, a WISDOM certificate of high school completion will be awarded and mailed to the student/parent(s).

Achieving the Alberta High School Diploma

As an alternative option to the WISDOM Diploma or Certificate of High School Completion, a student pursuing credits through the Alberta Programs of Study has the opportunity to achieve the Alberta High School Diploma. The Alberta Diploma is automatically awarded to a student who has successfully completed the required courses with 100 credits.

Benefits of an Alberta Diploma:

  • Access to trade schools and college programs
  • You may achieve the diploma while using supplemented home education curriculum


  • May not allow direct access to University
  • Time spent fulfilling requirements & writing provincial exams

For more information, please visit our information on Pursuing High School Credits.

Part of The Gilbertine Institute