
Cancellation Policy: If we have to cancel an event due to low registration, we will refund your money. However, if you cancel within two weeks of a scheduled event, your money can not be refunded. Without the necessary funds, your last-minute cancellation may otherwise close down an entire event.

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Price Spots available Quantity
WISDOM grad and immediate family

Enter number of attendees.

$0.00 Unlimited
Family with WISDOM

Enter number of attendees.

$50.00 Unlimited
Individual with WISDOM

Including grandparents of WISDOM students! Enter number of attendees.

$15.00 Unlimited
Non-WISDOM family

Enter number of attendees.

$56.00 Unlimited
Non-WISDOM individual

Enter number of attendees.

$16.80 Unlimited

Credit card processing fee
Gross amount
Payment Method *
Credit or debit card*

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Part of The Gilbertine Institute