Events Calendar
WEEK 09 |
Monday. 24 February, 2025 | |
1:00 pm |
Physical Literacy Development/Gym Play - Medicine HatWhen: February 24 from 1pm-2pm Hosted by WISDOM facilitator Tiffany Arnold ( / 403-866-7822) Parents, please plan on staying on site. |
Tuesday. 25 February, 2025 | |
11:00 am |
Fundamentals of Chess - All Ages FWhen: Tuesdays, February 25 - April 1, from 11 - 12pm Does your child love to play chess? This six-week program is a unique opportunity to play the game while improving skills in Problem Solving, Deductive Reasoning and Creative Thinking by solving chess puzzles and executing a systematic process to beat your opponent. While this program is called "beginner" it will challenge your chess player and keep them engaged, even if they have been playing for years. |
Wednesday. 26 February, 2025 | |
11:00 am |
Chess: Intermediate Continuation Class - All Ages FPrerequisite: Fundamentals of Chess Intermediate chess course is for students who want to learn complex concepts that revolve around seeing at least 2 moves ahead or more. This challenging 6 week course helps students reach their full potential as they master all fundamentals and start visualizing multiple variations. Classes can only be taken by students who took the beginner chess class offered by WISDOM or for students who contacted Mr Bloom directly to verify skill level. |
Friday. 28 February, 2025 | |
12:00 am |
Submission Deadline for March RefundIf you have not yet used the first 50% of funding, submit now to claim that. For all Funding Deadlines and more information, click here. |
12:00 am |
Refund Deposit Date for January Receipt SubmissionRefund for approved receipts submitted before the last business day of December. For funding information, click here. |
11:00 am |
Fundamentals of Chess - All Ages GWhen: Fridays, February 28 - April 4, 11 - 12pm Does your child love to play chess? This six-week program is a unique opportunity to play the game while improving skills in Problem Solving, Deductive Reasoning and Creative Thinking by solving chess puzzles and executing a systematic process to beat your opponent. While this program is called "beginner" it will challenge your chess player and keep them engaged, even if they have been playing for years. |
Saturday. 01 March, 2025 | |
9:30 am |
Intermediate Ballroom Dance Workshop - Spruce GroveWhen: March 1 9:30 sign in, 10am workshop begins. Time to further develop your skill! Mike and Michele Barter will work with you to strengthen your skills and add in new steps for the waltz, fox trot, jive and rumba, You will also add new dances like the cha-cha and samba. This workshop reinforces ballroom etiquette, giving you the life skills that stem from practicing courtesy. Students benefit from the training in social graces as well as the opportunity to spend time with other home schoolers. |