DEADLINE: Alberta Education requires we submit all student notification on the last business day of September for funding eligibility. If possible, please enroll 5 or more business days prior to the deadline for our data team to review your notification.

Are you returning for 2025-2026? Use your Parent Login. Log in to your existing account. If you need assistance, please contact our Data Team: or call 780-741-2113 ext 4. 

Once you are logged in, choose the "2025-2026 Application" for each returning student and go through each section to complete the form. By completing your application(s) in the portal, you are prefilling the Notification Form which is generated when you click to sign.

You will complete one application at a time. Once you have completed and submitted your returning student form(s), you may add any new students. For NEW students: upload an image of your child’s Canadian Birth Certificate or other proof of Canadian Citizenship (a cell phone picture is fine). 

Please send your  Education Program Plan (Part D) to your facilitator directly. (Please note, the deadline for us to transmit finalized student data to AB Education is September 29, so complete all elements of notification before that date.)

If you prefer to submit notification via email, fax or mail, you may find that information here.

Part of The Gilbertine Institute