Home schooling with WISDOM

Supporting traditional home schooling, where parents have control over what is taught to their children, how it is taught, and when it is taught.

Etiquette Guidelines

All students are asked to abide by the following guidelines and common courtesies. Your agreement to these guidelines each term is required in order for you to continue taking any WISDOM online courses.  Mutual trust and integrity help to make an excellent learning environment.   We want all of our students to have a fruitful and enjoyable experience.

  1. Always treat fellow participants with respect and courtesy.
  2. Appropriate language and behaviour is expected at all times.
  3. Arrive on time, having done your reading or assignment.  If you are unable to complete your reading or assignment, please let your tutor know in advance via e-mail. Extensions on written assignment deadlines must be pre-arranged with your tutor.
  4. Let the tutor know in advance if you will be missing a class. It is your responsibility to obtain your next assignment. Please be sure to request your assignment from your tutor in enough time to complete it before your next class.
  5. While the class is in session, please do not use the chat box for distracting conversation. Chat box text should pertain to the discussion at hand. Much of the time, students are welcome to visit each other just before class begins or for a short time after class ends.  (In some cases this is not possible due to close scheduling of courses.)
  6. Please do not enter the classroom more than 10 minutes prior to class or leave more than 10 minutes after class finishes.  Classes are scheduled close together and new sessions may be starting up immediately after your class finishes.
  7. Permission is needed from the program manager in order to use the classroom outside of course sessions.
  8. Parents and students should be aware of Internet dangers and concerns.  Please read the email referring to Internet safety and security.  When in the classroom, do not surf the net.  Do not refer other students to outside websites.  Instant messaging/private messaging is not allowed during class time.
  9. Regarding Online Writing courses: Every paper or report submitted must be the student’s own work.  Wording should be the student’s own.  Quotes, lectures, Internet sources, books, articles, other writer’s phrases or sentences must be “sourced” or stated.  Assignments must be remitted on time. Late assignments will not be graded unless the tutor has authorized a deadline extension.
  10. Do not give out other students’ email addresses out to anyone.
  11. If you are experiencing any technical difficulties with the classroom, please contact the online program administrator.
  12. If you have any concerns regarding behaviour in the class, please contact the online program administrator.

Students who do not comply will be given one warning by the tutor and will be given opportunity to correct their behaviour.  Second infractions can result in the student being asked to leave the course.

Nicole Noster
Online Program Manager
WISDOM Home Schooling
780-549-4008 nicole@wisdomhomeschooling.com

Part of The Gilbertine Institute