Mediated Learning WorkshopsiCAL Export
WISDOM's Mediated Learning workshops will help you apply mediated learning in your home. If you are a parent who learns by doing, you will find our workshop format very helpful.
When: January 22 — 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Online
Finding Balance
Parents, join us for this workshop on the impact of screens. At your discretion, due to sensitive content, you may invite children aged 16+ to participate with you.
There is no prerequisite for this workshop.
As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
When: February 5 — 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
With special guest Sarah Crick, MSc, R.SLP, CCC-SLP, and WISDOM mom.
Discover how you can help your child with speech/language delays at home.
Join us for an online information session with answers to your specific questions, information and resources. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
$30 per couple or individual parent
As you register, please let us know of a specific question you would like to ask, as well as the age of your child.
When: February 11, 18, 25 — 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Online
Learn the steps to empower your innate teaching skills.
This series of three 2-hour sessions will include instruction, parent participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
Foundations is a prerequisite to all other Mediated Learning Courses with the exception of Screen Impact. Once you have completed Foundations, please explore the other courses in any order.
When: February 13, 20, 27 — 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
Prerequisite: Mediated Learning Foundations
Parents, join us for an online parent training course.
This series of three 2-hour sessions will include instruction, participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
When: March 11, 18, 25 — 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
Learn the steps to empower your innate teaching skills.
This series of three 2-hour sessions will include instruction, parent participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
Foundations is a prerequisite to all other Mediated Learning Courses with the exception of Screen Impact. Once you have completed Foundations, please explore the other courses in any order.
When: April 1, 8, 15 — 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Online
Learn the steps to empower your innate teaching skills.
This series of three 2-hour sessions will include instruction, parent participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
Foundations is a prerequisite to all other Mediated Learning Courses with the exception of Screen Impact. Once you have completed Foundations, please explore the other courses in any order.
Jumpstart Your Path to Success!
When: April 3, 10 — 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
For high school students (14+) and parents.
Unlock growth together in this interactive, 3-part workshop series designed to inspire self-direction, boost motivation, and equip students for success both in high school and beyond. This workshop includes a personal WISDOM Jumpstart Journal for each student participant, used as a practical tool during the sessions and beyond.
Jumpstart Your Path to Success!
When: May 6, 13 — 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Online
For high school students (14+) and parents.
Unlock growth together in this interactive, 3-part workshop series designed to inspire self-direction, boost motivation, and equip students for success both in high school and beyond. This workshop includes a personal WISDOM Jumpstart Journal for each student participant, used as a practical tool during the sessions and beyond.
When: May 8, 15, 22 — 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Where: Online
Learn the steps to empower your innate teaching skills.
This series of three 2-hour sessions will include instruction, parent participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.
Foundations is a prerequisite to all other Mediated Learning Courses with the exception of Screen Impact. Once you have completed Foundations, please explore the other courses in any order.
When: May 20, 27 — 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
Where: Online
Prerequisite: Mediated Learning Foundations
Parents, we invite you to join us for an online parent training course.
This series of two 2-hour sessions will include instruction, parent participation, and opportunity for Q & A. As participants meet in a virtual classroom, a microphone headset, a strong internet connection and speakers are required.