
WISDOM exists to support traditional (parent-directed) home schooling. Your family decides what is taught, how it is taught and when it is taught.  

To enroll:

  • Please sign up (notify us of your intent to home educate) using our Parent Portal.
  • Submit a copy of your child's birth certificate (or Canadian passport). Enrollment is not possible without valid ID. Upload via secure uploader.
  • Create an Education Program Plan for each child.  This is your most important document, as it defines your home education program and assures your authority.  In order to give us time to review, suggest additions, and approve your plan, please provide it before the end of August.
  • Refunds (for funded students) come via direct deposit for any reimbursement refund.  Please fill out an Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Application and submit it with a VOID Cheque or a bank account verification letter.

To submit documents, email or use the Uploader found here.

Once we have received your notification we will contact you to verify that all has been received. 

A note on deadlines: The AB Ed deadline for the school to complete enrolments for funded students is the last business day of September. We do accept a number of post-funded families each year, so don't be concerned about applying. We're happy to help. Use the chat in the bottom-right corner of our website, during business hours, if you have any questions during the process.

Part of The Gilbertine Institute