Theresa and Vince Holden have lived in Drayton Valley, Alberta since 2018, when they opened an acupuncture clinic in the town. They have four children ranging in age from 16 to 7 (three of them boys). They started homeschooling when their oldest son was in second grade after a bad experience in the public school system. They are currently helping that same son navigate homeschooling through high school. Their children's interests vary greatly. The oldest is into fine arts, while the next, a girl, age 12, is fascinated by agriculture, and the 10-year-old boy is a wealth of knowledge on astrophysics. It has been an interesting journey, with each child needing something a little bit different in terms of learning style and program. Even still, they have no regrets and will take the adventure where it leads them.
Theresa & Vince Holden