Art History: Journey through a Thousand Years

Art History: Journey through a Thousand Years

12 yrs and up, $195, 14 week course - No prerequisite

It has been said beauty is the greatest doorway to truth; it's time to fling the doors wide open. Bring your curiosity and sense of wonder, and prepare to revel in a festival of some of greatest masterworks of art ever created. Trace the story of art and the men and women who chiseled, daubed, moulded, and breathed life into it through the ages. Train your eye for art and your reason at the same time. Guided by weekly readings, students will examine featured paintings each week, and explore the great ideas hidden in them by means of Socratic discussion. This course will broadly cover the past millennium of art, studying the various eras, styles, methods and history of the great artists. Can a picture really speak a thousand words - can a few brush strokes really have so much to say about truth? Come and find out for yourself.

Note: Since certain periods in art history, such as the Renaissance, used nude art to glorifiy God’s pure creation of the human body, some examples of this style are included in this course, such as Michaelangelo's David and the Creation of Adam, and the Ghent Altarpiece.

Tuesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM
Art History   Anna Beresford

Event Properties

Event Date Tuesday, 28 Jan, 2025
Cut off date Friday, 24 Jan, 2025
Spots available 6
Price $195.00

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