Foundational Grammar B

Foundational Grammar B

12 yrs and up, $335, 14 week course – No Prerequisite

This course covers basic grammatical knowledge, with the final end of helping students to write well and avoid improper sentence structure - namely, fragments and run-on sentences.  Each week, students will learn about a new grammatical concept (parts of speech, mechanics, and usage), always referring back to the previous lessons so that there is a synthesis of all the material. 

To ensure that each student understands the course as it progresses, student and tutor will meet privately once a week to review assignments together and clear up any questions the student might have. Each week there is a reading element, a new grammar concept, and a series of exercises and sentence writing components to solidify understanding. A large part of absorbing and understanding grammatical concepts comes from seeing those concepts in action, through reading good literature, and then executing them in one's own writing.

Wednesdays, 1 - 2:30 PM
Foundational Grammar     Charles Robertson

This course includes a weekly private tutorial time.

Event Properties

Event Date Wednesday, 29 Jan, 2025
Cut off date Friday, 24 Jan, 2025
Spots available 4
Price $335.00
Location Online

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