Grad Panel - Where I am and how I got here (click here to download - 86mb)

Preparing for and getting the most out of Trade Schools (click here to download - 45mb)

Preparing for and getting the most out of Classical colleges (click here to download - 64mb)

Preparing for and getting the most out of Traditional Colleges and Universities (click here to download - 83mb)

Ken Noster Classical High School Education (click here to download - 37mb)

John Miller Be Patient and Build on Your Strengths (click here to download - 13mb)

Paul van den Bosch Conduct: Real-life Skills (click here to download - 14mb)

Randy Kopp Redefining High School Completion (click here to download - 26mb)

Joe Pollock Science and Math (click here to download - 22mb)

Mike & Michele Barter Panic Button Syndrome (click here to download - 28mb)

Bill Gurney Post Secondary Education Without an Alberta Diploma (click here to download - 27mb)

Louis Sehn Trades-Tips, Tricks, and Tools (click here to download - 19mb)

Mark Meakes Choosing to Work (click here to download - 12mb)

Session 1 (click here to download - 91mb)

Session 2 (click here to download - 52mb)

Session 3 (click here to download - 52mb)


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