Winter Survival Workshop A

Winter Survival Workshop A

When: Monday, January 9, 2023 from 1 - 3 pm
Where: Sir Wilfrid Laurier Park, Edmonton (Meet at Site 7)

Winter Survival Workshop - students will discuss what needs to be considered in winter survival vs survival in other seasons, types of winter shelters, and how to choose which shelter to build. Students will then go out and build winter shelters in groups. Depending on the weather, location, snow coverage etc., students may build quinzhees, snow trenches, or super shelters. 

Grades 1-12 (parents and younger siblings are welcome to attend, free of charge, however, we do ask that guardians allow their students the space to fully participate and engage in the program)

Event Properties

Event Date Monday, 9 Jan, 2023
Cut off date Thursday, 5 Jan, 2023
Spots available 18
Price $35 per student

Registration has closed.


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