In-Person EventsiCAL Export

When: May 9, 2025
Time: 1-3pm
Where: Edmonton, Sir Wilfred Laurier Park Picnic Site 7
Please follow these exact coordinates to avoid any confusion.
With summer approaching it’s a good time to practice some axe work. This class will cover types of axes and their use as well as safety.
Participants will practice chopping wood using a few methods as well as finer knife work processing.
Event Date | Friday, 9 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Friday, 9 May, 2025 |
Cut off date | Tuesday, 6 May, 2025 |
Spots available | 27 |
Price | $33.00 |

When: May 16 from 9-11am
An afternoon in the North Saskatchewan river valley with wild food guide Kevin Kossowan. Learn about 10-20 species of wild edible plants and fungus, with a focus on their use in the home kitchen.
Kevin Kossowan has been on 100+ wild food adventures in the Canadian wild for his twice James Beard Foundation award nominated web series ‘From The Wild’. He’s taught field cookery at the Global Bushcraft Symposium, co-creates the series ‘Wild Harvest’ with Les Stroud and chef Paul Rogalski airing on PBS and National Geographic, has led numerous foraging workshops and forage-to-table workshops, and regularly works with chefs exploring the culinary potential of the Canadian wilderness.
This event is only for WISDOM families. A parent or graduate may attend by themselves; students must be accompanied by an attending parent.
Event Date | Friday, 16 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Friday, 16 May, 2025 |
Cut off date | Saturday, 3 May, 2025 |
Spots available | 1 |
Price | $45 per person |

In honour of WISDOM’s Graduates of 2025
Date: May 17, 2025
Time: 5pm potluck dinner, 6:30pm ballroom dancing
Where: Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Spruce Grove
Graduating students, their families and friends are invited to join us for this free event celebrating our 2025 graduates. There will be no formal ceremony, but simply an opportunity to get together with other grad families, learn a few basic ballroom steps, visit, dance and celebrate with your family and friends! WISDOM will serve refreshments and some treats. Please attend in modest, semi-formal to formal attire.
Please bring: A potluck main dish and salad/side dish or dessert. Please label your item if it is gluten free, dairy free, etc. Please do not bring items containing nuts or shellfish.
WISDOM graduates and their immediate family: FREE
Others: $50 per family or $15 per individual with WISDOM (includes grandparents), or $56 per family and $16.80 per individual for non-WISDOM.
Event Date | Saturday, 17 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Saturday, 17 May, 2025 |
Cut off date | Saturday, 17 May, 2025 |

When: Wednesday, May 21, 6:30-9pm
Where: Stoney Creek Centre and Rotary Pavilion, 5320 - 39 Avenue, Camrose, AB
Come for a fun evening of "wide games" where we'll have some fun playing crazy games on teams. All are welcome to participate or to sit on the sidelines and cheer others on. Current homeschooling families and anyone interested in home schooling are welcome! Spend time with other homeschoolers and members of the WISDOM team, ask questions and find out more about how WISDOM can serve you best.
Plan to arrive by or before 6:30 pm so we can get everyone into teams and start our "Olympiad." Following our games, we'll take time for ice cream and watermelon (provided by WISDOM) and visiting.
Please wear comfortable clothing and footwear; bring a chair or blanket, if desired, water bottles, bug spray, energy and a sense of fun!
Simon Friesen 587-222-1790 or email
Nola Hutchinson 780-781-2527 or email
Joan Bishop 780-878-5380 or email
Event Date | Wednesday, 21 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Wednesday, 21 May, 2025 |
Cut off date | Wednesday, 14 May, 2025 |

When: Friday, May 23, 11-2pm
Where: Doug Barnes Cabin, Tamarack Way, Fort McMurray
Current homeschooling families and anyone interested in home schooling are welcome! Spend time with other homeschoolers and members of the WISDOM team, ask questions and find out more about how WISDOM can serve you best. This is a potluck event. We will be going for a nature walk on the trails (weather permitting).
Please bring: A potluck dish and dessert to share (with ingredients labeled), lawn chairs, outdoor footwear appropriate for a walk in nature, board games (if wet weather).
Karen Godin 587-644-1825
Dan and Kim Schultz 780-404-3356 or email
Gordon Loewen 587-298-7565 or email
Event Date | Friday, 23 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Friday, 23 May, 2025 |

When: Sunday, May 25, 1:30-4:30pm
Where: Glennfield Blackbird (East), Fish Creek Provincial Park
Current homeschooling families and anyone interested in home schooling are welcome! Spend time with other homeschoolers and members of the WISDOM team, ask questions and find out more about how WISDOM can serve you best. We will play some group games and enjoy some cookies and ice cream together. Feel free to invite those new to WISDOM, too. There is a large shelter so we will plan to be there rain or shine. We will have information packages, booklets and prizes available.
Please bring: Cookies/a snack to share, lawn chairs, lawn games, board games, water and sun protection gear. WISDOM will provide drinks and ice cream treats. Please indicate on your registration if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions. Feel free to bring your own picnic lunch, snacks and drinks for your family if you'd like.
Carrie Friesen 780-217-4006 or email
Liz Gurnett 780-349 1577 or email
Other WISDOM facilitators will also be in attendance.
Event Date | Sunday, 25 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Sunday, 25 May, 2025 |
Cut off date | Saturday, 24 May, 2025 |

When: Monday, May 26, 4-8pm
Where: Kin Coulee Kinette Campground
Current homeschooling families and anyone interested in home schooling are welcome! Spend time with other homeschoolers and members of the WISDOM team, ask questions and find out more about how WISDOM can serve you best. WISDOM will provide burgers, hot dogs and water. There will be games and door prizes available and the kids always come up with more fun ways to play. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please bring: a potluck side, salad or dessert, as well as a lawn chair (there are picnic tables but not enough for everyone!). Also feel free to bring any yard/lawn or board games to play with the group!
Tiffany Arnold 403-866-7822 or email
Brian Taje 780-312-4525 or email
Event Date | Monday, 26 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Monday, 26 May, 2025 |

When: Tuesday, May 27, 4-8pm (**Please note: this event will be on a Tuesday this year rather than the usual Monday)
Where: John Martin Recreation Centre, Pavan Park, Lethbridge
This event is open to all current WISDOM Home Schooling families as well as those families who are contemplating home schooling with WISDOM in the future. This is a great opportunity to visit with other home schoolers and members of the WISDOM team, and find out more about how WISDOM can serve you best.
WISDOM will provide hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, condiments and beverages. We will enjoy a meal together as well as have an information time, door prizes, games and socializing. This event will run rain or shine.
Please bring: Please bring potluck sides, salads and/or desserts to share with the group. (Please note: if you have a highly restrictive diet, feel free to bring your own food if you wish.) There are many activities to enjoy at the facility, but you are welcome to bring other lawn games, board games, or lawn chairs if you would like.
For questions and late registrations, please contact:
Liz Gurnett by text at 780-349-1577 or email at
Brian Taje 780-312-4525 or email
Event Date | Tuesday, 27 May, 2025 |
Event End Date | Tuesday, 27 May, 2025 |
Cut off date | Monday, 26 May, 2025 |

When: Sunday, June 1, 3-6pm
Where: Bower Kin Community Center, 85 Boyce St. Red Deer
All are welcome! This potluck event is for current home schooling families and for anyone interested in home schooling. Join other WISDOM families plus WISDOM Facilitators Rhonda Caluttung, Lydie Delli Santi, Sue Peachment, Catherine van Kampen, and Paul van den Bosch to ask questions and find out more about how WISDOM can serve you best.
WISDOM will provide the main course and beverages.
Please bring: Salads and desserts, your favourite board games, and some favourite outdoor games also.
Paul van den Bosch 403-358-4497 or email
Rhonda Caluttung 403-846-0404 or email
Lydie Delli Santi 403-392-9209 or email
Sue Peachment 403-994-1963 or email
Catherine van Kampen 403-845-2923 or email
Event Date | Sunday, 1 Jun, 2025 |
Event End Date | Sunday, 1 Jun, 2025 |

When: Sunday, June 1, 4-8pm
Where: Bethel Bible Camp - 10 minutes west of Westlock
Directions: Click link for directions to Bethel Bible Camp
This event is open to all current WISDOM Home Schooling families as well as those families who are considering home schooling with WISDOM in the future. This is a great opportunity to visit with other home schoolers and members of the WISDOM team, and find out more about how WISDOM can serve you best.
WISDOM will provide hot dogs, buns, condiments and beverages. We will enjoy a meal together as well as have an information time, door prizes, games and socializing. This event will run rain or shine.
Please bring: Please bring potluck sides, salads or desserts to share with the group. (Please note: if you have a highly restrictive diet, feel free to bring your own food if you wish.) There are many activities to enjoy at the facility, but you are welcome to bring other lawn games, board games, and lawn chairs if you would like.
For questions and late registrations, please contact:
Liz Gurnett by text at 780-349-1577 or email
Rachelle Godin 780-349-1827 or email
Event Date | Sunday, 1 Jun, 2025 |
Event End Date | Sunday, 1 Jun, 2025 |
Cut off date | Saturday, 31 May, 2025 |