Our homeschooling adventure began 11 years ago when our oldest was in kindergarten. Since then, we have added four more children to the journey of learning, loving, and growing in faith together. WISDOM has been our choice from the beginning, and we have always so appreciated the freedom and support we’ve received as primary educators of our children.
We do life together as a family on a hobby farm south of Calgary, which offers many learning opportunities and daily drama. Book lessons may be interrupted by the sudden realization that the goats have gotten out – again – or the need to simply stop and laugh in amusement at the goose chasing the dog. We cherish the memories and time we have with our children, and can hardly believe how quickly the years fly by!
We feel honoured to be members of WISDOM’s Parent Advisory Council and look forward to supporting other WISDOM families in their choice to home educate. Please feel free to reach out to us.
Neil & Julie Aragon