Our relationship started in the Rockies in western Alberta and that place seems to keep drawing us back. It feels like it has become considerably more work for us to get out there in the last few years, but we can’t seem to figure out why. (Our family increasing in size from 2 to 7 might have something to do with it!) We also love to spend time with our extended family, play music, sing, and watch our young children grow and experience life.

As children, we both transitioned into homeschooling around the years 1999-2000 from public schools; this set us on the path towards homeschooling our own children, as we saw firsthand the great power and flexibility that homeschooling offers to a family. As the parents of 5 beautiful young children, we are starting down the path of home education with a sense of gratitude that God has helped us to find this path in life and faith that he will help us to walk it well. Even though we are new to the journey of home educating our children, we are no strangers to homeschooling personally, and when we meet others who are along this homeschooling and parenting path, we can get pretty excited about it.

We absolutely love to support strong Christ-centered marriages because they lead to beautiful families and because they showcase how God joins two people together in their brokenness, and miraculously inhabits them to write a new chapter in His story of hope. Both of us have watched the power of God at work in our marriage since our first day on August 12, 2017; the lessons we’ve learned have sometimes been painful and difficult, but always good!

There is no one-size-fits-all manual when it comes to making decisions regarding what to pursue in life, who to marry, how many kids you’ll end up with, or whether to homeschool. However, we trust in a good and loving Father God to lead us in his good plans for our life, and we have faith that he will do the same in yours.

Feel free to reach out to us.


Part of The Gilbertine Institute