Although both of us were homeschooled until high school (one attending a small private Christian high school and the other a public high school with the population of a small town), sometime in our marriage we had wanted our children to attend private Christian school. However, our oldest had not even finished Grade 1 during the pandemic in 2021 before it was evident that we would be switching to homeschooling.

The first year of homeschooling was the biggest hurdle for us, as we were working full-time as an electrician and paramedic while simultaneously teaching three small children. We learned quickly that our facilitator was our most valuable resource.

Now we are in our third year of homeschooling, expecting our 5th child, and are so grateful for the transformation homeschooling has done for our family. The best part of serving on the Parent Advisory Council has been meeting the entire organization; without a doubt, the staff put their entire heart into WISDOM Home Schooling.

Part of The Gilbertine Institute